Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mr. Bill

"Nice work, Mr. Bill."
"For what?"
"For rescuing the Cheese Monkey and his cheese from the dark powers of Mr. Xaiver." "...and rescuing the Cheese Cow."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

the machine

Frank had spent the last several days working on his machine. This machine transformed dirt and rocks into cheese. Frank knew his life would soon be in danger, as the cheese industry would try to destroy any evidence of his machine. And they did.

Monday, November 28, 2005

cheese cube

Billy saw something glistening in the brush. He stooped down and picked up a golden cube of cheese. Shivering with excitement, he held it in his hand until the words began to appear: Cheese of power, cheese of gold, corrupts the one, who it he or she now holds... Billy ran to Mt. Cheese to destroy it.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

where the monkeys grow

There exists a magical and wonderful land, beyond the sea of cheese, where the monkeys grow. The bananas sing, and nerds freely scribble mathematical formulas. This land is called the Land of Xaiver. There is a prophecy that says billy, the rightful king of the land, will return someday and retake his kingdom...

cheese theory

There is a certain discipline of physics known as cheese theory. This theory states that everything is made out of tiny, vibrating cubes of cheese. Experiments involving high-speed collisions of cheese particles are being done today.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


The townspeople began to chant: "Charles is coming! Charles is coming!"
The whole town had surrounded the cheese, protecting it. This time, Charles would be the one without cheese...

of monkeys

A colony of monkeys lives in the moon. Scientists have began calling them "lunar monkeys." It is still debated in certain scientific circles whether the monkeys are hostile or not.

Friday, November 25, 2005

the spoon

"Mr. Peterburg, does the spoon hold any powers?"
"Yes, Williard, but there are limitations..."


There are two Santas: one evil and one good. Now, back in the days of old, they had a battle. Elves fought with fellow elves. Finally, after years of fighting, the Evil Santa was conquered and sent to the South Pole, where he plans his revenge today...

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Yes, Santa is coming for Christmas, but it's not what you'd think! This holiday season, capture the moment and see the movie everyone will be talking about. Santa: My Brother-In-Law. Coming to a theatre near you...

Sunday, November 20, 2005


There once was a great land called Trigonometry. In this land lived the good people: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent. There also lived the evil Cosecant, Secant, and Cotangent. One day, a great battle occured. They all fought for many a moon, until they realized that their powers were equal and opposite. They then formed the Allience of Trigonometric Functions, and spent the remainder of their lives helping people with triangles and plaguing young high school students.


"Not only do bananas sing, but they dance as well," the man said.
"Yes, Frank. But can you see them?"
"No," Frank said,"because they only dance in the caves of Xavier."

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A man holding a strange balloon

The Cheese

It was night. Well, almost morning. The man had spent the last several days perfecting his device, and it was done. This device made cheese alive. Pleased, the man made the cheese and it was good to eat.


Yes. I know what you're thinking: What is a nerdificial? This will come in time. But, more important issues are at hand. Including a research paper. Yes, a research paper.
Childrens Place